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post-surgical/wound scar tissue healing

Scars are universal; we ALL have them. They even accumulate as we age and walk through life, and can be the culprit to many pain syndromes and diseases. Scars can also occur as a result of broken bones, sprained joints, torn muscles, inflammation, or any areas of the body (and as a result, the mind) that has been injured through trauma; both physical and emotional. Scars – especially abdominal surgical scars – have a significantly negative influence on the body. Among other things, they restrict metabolism, pull on fascia, the skeletal system and internal organs, and otherwise negatively influence the body in many ways.

Influence of Scars
Anatomical Heart

Scars up-regulate the sympathetic nervous system producing stress, decreasing heart rate variability (HRV) and healing vagal nervous tone.

Circulatory System

Scars block circulation and energetic flows through the meridian system, producing energy and circulation stagnations in extremities, especially lower extremities.

Female Hormones

Scars negatively influence female hormones by activating sympathetic stress, which elevates cortisol & suppress sex-hormones.

Injured Fascia

Scars injure Fascia, causing “kinks” that ripple throughout the body causing body-wide structural imbalances and chronic pain.

Internal Adhesions

Scars create internal adhesions inside the body. Adhesions acts as internal strait jackets, reducing muscle/organ function and producing pain.

MPS therapy

MPS Scar Release Therapy (SRT) is a method used to release scars - SRT uses the latest scientific advances to address both chronic pain and dermal scarring that occurs post-trauma or surgery. It applies Microcurrent Point Stimulation (MPS), which is a patented solution that is based on the scientific concept of increasing the skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis, and healing to re-awaken its ability to regenerate. By targeting direct cellular stimulation of microcurrent waves through the scars, this simple procedure works by releasing the tense scar contracture which in turn reduces dermal trauma, adhesions, and fascial restrictions.

To learn more about this groundbreaking treatment

Before & After Treatment:

Arm scar - before and after
Wrist ganglion - before and after
Hand surgery - before and after
Open heart surgery - before and after
Neck scar - before and after
Post repair surgery - before and after
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