private coaching for cancer patients
private coaching for cancer patients
So... you've completed your last treatment, and oncology has listed you as "in remission" or "N.E.D.".
So what's next?
Where do you go from here, and what do you do?
Are you afraid that your cancer will come back?​
Is this you?
It's not over.
You are now in RECOVERY.
This is the next phase of your cancer journey, and during this phase it's possible to have a recurrence... unless you take the right steps.
Some of these steps may be with oncology, but most of them will come from your everyday life.
This path is known as the Road to Survivorship.
It is on this road that you must become a new person, a SURVIVOR.
Living fully, living well, and unafraid of cancer.
If this is where you are now, let's talk.
I've been there, and travelled down this road to its destination.
Let me show you how to get here.
patient navigation & decision support management
For Patients Still In Treatment
What is a Patient Navigator?
The healthcare system can be fragmented, uncoordinated, and complex for patients and families. A Patient Navigator can guide patients and families through the healthcare system to understand diagnoses, treatment options, and available resources. By assisting everyday Canadians, particularly through this emotional and vulnerable time, to overcome barriers to healthcare access and bridge gaps and transitions of care, a Patient Navigator can effectively contribute towards efficient, equitable, and patient-centred healthcare. Patient Navigation & Decision Support Management is about helping the patients, their families and care-givers navigate the stormy cancer seas, and help support the best individualized decisions for the patient's care through a more complete understanding of patients needs and objective analysis of healthcare data.